Logo Design Discovery For logo design services Logo Design DiscoverySome information about your unique value proposition and logo tastes that helps us build your vision.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.About Your Brand - Step 1 of 3Please tell us a little about your practice & how you envision your logo (brand) to look. Practice Name *What words do you want on your logo *Do you have a slogan you want incorporated in your logo? *What audience does your logo intend to capture? **Please tell us about your ideal patient. If you're a pediatric office, do you want your logo geared towards:Children (traditional pediatric style)Skewed towards adults (adult style)Somewhere in between (not too childish)If not a pediatric office, please skip this question.If designing business cards, what details need to go on your business cards?If Elevate DDS is not designing your business cards, please skip this question.NextBased on how you envision your business and brand, please adjust the sliders below to match your business/brand style & aesthetic. ← Classic vs Modern → Selected Value: 4 Please rate on a scale of 1 being very classic and 7 being very modern.← Mature vs Youthful → Selected Value: 4 Please rate on a scale of 1 being very mature and 7 being very youthful.← Feminine vs Masculine → Selected Value: 4 Please rate on a scale of 1 being very feminine and 7 being very masculine.← Playful vs Sophisticated → Selected Value: 4 Please rate on a scale of 1 being very playful and 7 being very sophisticated.← Economical vs Luxurious → Selected Value: 4 Please rate on a scale of 1 being very economical and 7 being very luxurious.← Geometric vs Organic → Selected Value: 4 Please rate on a scale of 1 being very geometric and 7 being very organic.← Abstract vs Literal → Selected Value: 4 Please rate on a scale of 1 being very abstract and 7 being very literal.Do you prefer a tooth or dental iconography to be incorporated into your logo? *Yes, absolutelyNo, definitely notI'm indifferentI'd like to see various optionsPreviousNextPick up to 3 colors you'd like our designers to explore:BluesAquasGreensPurplesPinksRedsOrangesYellowsLight NeutralsDark NeutralsLet Elevate DDS Make SuggestionsDo you have any images, examples or sketches that would be helpful? Please upload here: Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Are there specific fonts you gravitate towards? You can also leave it up to our designers, but please let us know below:Is there anything else you would like to communicate to the designers?PhoneSubmit